
Queen of Scrappiness…..Bonnie K Hunter

Do you like scrappy quilts? Well then you probably know Bonnie K Hunter. I was one day checking her workshop/lecture tab on www.quiltville.com and I noticed she was coming to San Antonio, Texas and I hurried and emailed the guild that was bringing Bonnie to reserve me 3 seats. The guild was University United Methodist Church Quilt Guild of San Antonio, UUMCQG.

The reason for 3 seats is that my mother is a fan of Bonnie off social media, she watches her on her YouTube channel. And my sister has just become a Bonnie Hunter fan, she just did her first mystery quilt. Be sure to visit her blog to learn about the yearly mystery quilt pattern.

esme first mystery
My sisters first mystery quilt.

For myself this is my 3rd. I am not done, just started to piece the blocks together. My friend Glenda introduced me to her blog page back in 2014.

If you have never met Bonnie in person, well she is just the friendliest person ever, she makes you feel welcomed and appreciates your presence. And always with a smile on her face and laugh. She does not act highly. Very down to earth!

My mother hand piecing. She does not like electric sewing machines. She loves vintage treadle sewing machines.
scrapcrystals layout
Here are everyone’s blocks.
Bonnie loved that mom and 2 daughters attended her workshop. She said she rarely gets that. Its usually 1 daughter and mom.
A selfie before beginning to sew.

So if you get a chance to take a workshop with Bonnie do so, you will enjoy it as much as we did. I can’t wipe the smile off my face. 😉